Just a quick one this week, because I am up to my eyeballs in poorly hogs. I am trying to admit as many as I can because they are babies and juveniles, for instance, last week I admitted six, three are small babies, two of which came in last Friday, both less than 150g and on Monday morning another one from Grange Vets at Darlington, all on meds and doing well. I will not turn a hedgehog in need away and rehabbers are in short supply.
It’s very hard work, but I try very hard to make them all well and sometimes I fail. There are a lot here that are too small to release this year, overwintering maybe about 18 which is purely a guess at this time. Fundraising is still very much a big issue, it’s quite a strain worrying about these beautiful mammals and money, so I thank everyone who has donated to this rescue, past and present.
I am also grateful to Angela and the team of Grange Vets, most of what I need is here, from pain relief to antibiotics, if I need to reassess treatment it’s already here.
Can I also ask finders when they bring hedgehogs to me not to use straw, I don’t use straw in rescue, or paper, I like to use vet bedding for them because it’s waterproof and doesn’t make them uncomfortable especially when they are unwell.
If you find a hedgehog out in the day, it’s not ok, so ring The British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801.
My Facebook Page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel.
Email pricklyhaven@yahoo.com.
Not for hedgehog emergencies please.