Green Arts are thrilled to offer free activity to young people and families as part of their new Autumn programme. We are delighted to offer quality activities that inspire young people and families to be creative and learn new skills.
September will see the return of ‘Hands On’ for our under-fives and our popular ‘Creative Explorers’ for our 7+ group. The fun creative courses will be led by professional artist Dawn Belshaw and will run on each Tuesday and Thursday at Green Arts, The Eco Centre, Moore Lane, Newton Aycliffe. ‘Hands On’ restarts on Tuesday 10th September and ‘Explorers’ recommences on Thursday 12th September
Join Dawn and have fun at these hands-on sessions and learn more about the world around you. The sessions are very popular and are suitable for young people and families. You can reserve your place via our website using our simple online form. Just visit or email to find out more.
The family focused sessions form part of our autumn programme at Green Arts alongside adult workshops and our Men’s Cree wellbeing group. The Autumn will also see an exciting new craft programme and exhibition opportunities, just watch this space or follow us on social media to keep up-to-date.
We are committed to bringing arts to our community in a welcoming space and continuing to inspire young people and families, just visit our website to find out more. Thank you for continued support to Great Aycliffe Town Councir, GAMP AAP, Durham Community Action and North East BIC.