Starting at midnight on 24th September 2024, it will become a criminal offence to possess a ‘zombie-style’ knife or machete along with a ban on their manufacture, importation, sale and supply.
Zombie-style knives and machetes are defined as weapons with blades over eight inches (20cm) in length that normally have a serrated cutting edge.
As your Police and Crime Commissioner I want to help you comply with this change by making you aware of the Home Office surrender and compensation scheme which will run from 26th August to 23rd September 2024. Lawful owners of these knives will be able to claim compensation for the items in most cases, if the total value of the items is more than £30.
Those who give up their weapons during this time period will not be arrested or face prosecution.
However, the government has warned that anyone found with zombie-style knives and machetes following the ban will face jail time.
That is why I am urging anyone in possession of these dangerous weapons to surrender them before this new law takes effect.
We need to get these knives off our streets. Knife crime is destroying lives, devastating families and creating fear and trauma in communities. Over the last ten years knife crime has increased by more than 80%, so I welcome this new governments mission to halve knife crime within ten years.
Before you surrender a knife or machete:
• Wrap it in something, such as a towel, and
carry it in a bag to prevent injury;
• Knives must not be carried openly at any time
so they do not cause distress or alarm to other
members of the public;
• Carrying bladed articles in public without a
good reason or lawful authority is an offence;
• Ensure your local police station enquiry office
is open before you make the journey;
• At the police station do not take the item out
until you’re asked to do so by a police officer
or a member of police staff.
Surrendered items can be taken to the following Police stations:
Bishop Auckland Police Station
Woodhouse Lane, Bishop Auckland, DL14 6LB
Station is open: Monday to Wednesday, 8am to 4pm and Thursday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.
Durham City Police Station
New Elvet, Durham, DH1 3AQ
Station is open: Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm and Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 4pm.
Peterlee Police Station
St Aidans Way, SR8 1QR
Station is open: Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm and Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 4pm.
Darlington Police Station
St Cuthberts Way, Darlington, DL1 5LB
Station is open: Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm and Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 4pm.
For the sake of our communities and our young people it is important we all recognise the dangers of knife crime and work together to prevent it. Getting these dangerous knives off our streets is a crucial step to help us deliver safer, stronger and more resilient communities.
Further details of the surrender scheme, a list of items covered, their definition and guidance on how to transport them safely, can be found by visiting the Home Office’s dedicated web page. Compensation scheme for ‘zombie’ knives and machetes: