An innovative scheme aimed at preventing anti-social behaviour is helping young people find their pathway to a brighter future.
More than 70 young people from the Darlington area have already taken part in the Future Pathways initiative over the past two years, as part of a successful programme supported by Durham Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Joy Allen through Safer Streets 4 funding.
Earlier this year, the PCC allocated further funding to support the ASB Prevention Programme, which links activity with issues affecting the community. There are currently 22 young people from across Darlington and Stanley taking part in the programme.
Darlington Borough Council’s Young People’s Engagement and Justice Service has been working closely with Future Pathways to identify young people, and their parents/carers who would benefit from the programme.
Sessions so far have covered a range of topics including online safety and social media usage, vaping awareness, drugs, alcohol and tobacco awareness and offensive weapons. Future sessions will focus on ASB, peer pressure and British values.
The latest session has seen Future Pathways bring businesses and education providers together for a special Career Aspirations Event to focus on employability and help young people find their path and learn more about the opportunities open to them in the local area.
Durham PCC Joy Allen added: “Anti-social behaviour strikes at the very heart of our communities, eroding confidence and heightening fear. For too long, residents have felt let down by the system designed to keep them safe, while perpetrators have faced little consequence or punishment for their actions. This must change.
“Through this new programme, we will educate young people to respect the law and their neighbours and support them and their families to prevent further unwanted behaviour which could lead to more serious criminality if left unchecked.
“Enforcement by itself cannot solve the lawlessness on our streets. Young people need strong guidance at an early age to fulfil their potential, especially when their family support network is missing. Prevention first is a key strategy in my Police and Crime Plan and I am excited to work with partners on this exciting scheme to make County Durham and Darlington safer, stronger and more resilient to crime, drug and anti-social behaviour.”
Photo: Martin Gray, Future Pathways company director, welcomes supporters and young people to the Career Aspirations Event.