A debt of gratitude to everyone who came to see myself, June and Valerie at the petting zoo last Saturday and not forgetting Joyce, it was a very cold day too, I can’t thank Keith and Rebecca Lovejoy for making this the best event ever, the support I received has put me in a strong position to keep feeding and caring for all the very small hogs I have here, all 14 of them, and the bigger ones too. I currently have 24 here. The hoglets aren’t only messy but they are expensive too, they walk through all their food, but they are super cute nevertheless and they are all doing well here. Thanks to Joan for her donation too, much appreciated.
It’s been a tough road caring for these little ones, I have been fundraising and also up during the night to keep these hoglets from getting hungry, I work alone caring for them and medicating too, whenever necessary, and some babies have had to be put on antibiotics. My day starts at 5.45 with the clean up to start their day. Four hourly feeds, then up at 2am for feeds to keep them alive and well. Yes I am still tired, but I would rather be tired and have them here safe from harm. I get to witness them growing up which is very rewarding.
The three little babies from Hopper Road are doing ok, they are siblings so they will remain together for as long as they are here. I have also got three little ones here that were born here. Goldie their mum can be released now, it’s no fun being in rescue at over 1000 grams, my thanks go to Steve and Lesley for taking her in and support feeding her in their garden she was grabbed by a dog in Darlington whilst she was out during the day looking for food, her baby girls are named Itsy, Bitsy and Teeny. Bet Lynda, Jackie and John Connell like those names!
I can’t stress enough the urgency needed to help these poor downtrodden mammals, if you see a hog out during the day please act, pick them up and put them in a high sided box, then seek help. All too often, small hogs get attacked by corvids, flies etc, heartbreaking and avoidable to say the least. They all have too much to deal with out there, it’s so unfair.
Pictured is my smallest baby, this is Baby Button, he weighs only 76 grams, but is healthy, the food I purchase is very good, but expensive, they all enjoy their Royal Canin mousse and kibble.
Here are some useful contact details: The British Hedgehog Preservation Society Number is 01584 890801, my email address, which shouldn’t be used for hedgehog emergencies, is: pricklyhaven@yahoo.com – Facebook: Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel.