On 19th June, we were overjoyed to welcome Rach and Jim from POP UK. We worked with Rach a few weeks ago learning the new songs and moves ready for our concert. Jim joined Rach to record us for our CD! How exciting! The fun and excitement didn’t end there, this was only the beginning of our fantastic day of music!
After recording, we had some last-minute rehearsals with Rach and Jim ready for the evening performance at St. Clare’s church. Rach and Jim were so impressed with how much more confident we had got with our singing and the moves in our school rehearsals. These rehearsals paid off, our evening performance was out of this world! The children shone their lights so brightly.
We couldn’t believe how many friends, family, carers and past staff joined us for our concert. The children were amazing and tried so hard with the moves. We all got a real taste of what it takes to be a pop star!
We can’t thank you enough for getting your children to the church in time, participating in our singing and dancing and supporting us with all we do as a St. Francis’ School family, without you we couldn’t continue to give these amazing children opportunities like this, that we are sure will last a life time!
Pop over to our website to see and hear our amazing children! https://www.stfrancisjunior.org.uk/curriculum-experiences