A cancer diagnosis is devastating – not just for the patient, but for family, friends and colleagues. We aim to provide help and support where it is needed, but we cannot do that without our volunteers who play a vital role in our Charity. The Volunteers are amazing, not only are you helping Cancer Patients, but it helps you by gaining new skills as well as building your confidence.
We are also reaching out to any businesses that could support us with raffle prizes. We have a few fundraising events coming up including a Charity Night on 23rd November at Chilton Catholic Club in memory of the late Jim White who died suddenly several months ago. He is a huge miss within the charity, at every event he was there standing on the Tombola Stall hence why he got his name as Tombola King. As well as recognising all the work he did, it is a chance to raise vital funds to keep the Charity going.
Our Free Patient Transport Service is so busy, we need to keep raising funds to pay the drivers mileage. Our monthly costs used to be under £400 per month pre Covid, but now it’s over £4000 per month. You can certainly see what a huge impact the last few years has made, with large increases of newly diagnosed Cancer Patients. We also need Volunteer Drivers, even if you can help one day a week, it will make such a difference. Many patients wouldn’t be able to get to hospital for Life Saving Treatment if our team couldn’t help.
Any businesses or individuals that can help us raise more funds, please contact us.
We are 100% voluntary, no one is paid, so every penny raised is spent on the services provided to our patients and their families.
For more information about volunteering with us or if you could help us financially, please contact Marianne on 07442 991859.
Photo: Jim White (Tombola King) and Ian Sanderson (volunteer for charity).