The familiar sound of “feet, feet, hit” has returned to the Moore Lane Sports Club pitches. Pre-season training is well underway at Newton Aycliffe RUFC, with two highly encouraging sessions already in the books.
The turnout has been fantastic, with existing players joined by new faces keen to get involved, as well as some veterans dusting off their boots for one last run out. There’s an unmistakable buzz around the club as the new campaign kicks into gear.
It’s been a great start. The lads have come back absolutely flying, putting in serious graft from the very first session. But, just as importantly, there’s a positive, upbeat atmosphere that creates an excellent training environment.
NARUFC prides itself on cultivating an inclusive, welcoming space for players of all backgrounds and abilities. The pre-season programme has been specifically designed to develop all-around skills and fitness through engaging, rugby-focused activities.
There are no tedious shuttle runs or bronco tests. It’s all with ball in hand – skill zones, working on techniques and individual coaching, then game zones putting it all into practice with competitive games. You don’t even realise how hard you’ve worked sometimes!
The players have been loving the varied sessions so far. Team camaraderie is building rapidly, with the tight-knit group often sticking around long after training in the clubhouse to share some laughs. Having that social element is so important. We’re mates first and foremost, but there’s a profound trust and respect there too, that translates to how we operate on the pitch.
With such an encouraging pre-season already unfolding, NARUFC is keen to recruit even more new members to swell the ranks. The invitation is open for anyone looking to get involved in a progressive, ambitious club, with a wonderful community feel.
Whether you’re a veteran chasing one last hurrah, new to the game after being inspired by recent international tournaments, a student in the area, or an established player hungry to fight for a spot in the starting XV – we want you here. NARUFC is a local rugby club focused on creating a positive environment for players to play, support, enjoy, encourage, grow and respect the values of the game.
Pre-season training continues every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:45 pm on the Moore Lane pitches. Follow the club’s Facebook page @ayclifferugby for all the latest updates as NARUFC gears up for an exciting new season.