Nikki Dawes, from Bentley’s, visited Five Acres Community Garden and had a tour of the site, as well as meeting some of our Champions, she made the decision she would like to put us forward as a chosen charity at Bentley’s and the Three Peak Challenge fundraiser was formed.
A team of eight staff from Bentley’s, MMB Mott Macdonald Bentley, decided they would like to take on the challenge and the fundraising began. On Saturday 8th June the seven staff, who have decided to walk the 24.5 miles, and one member of staff who has decided to run it, all started the challenge, together they hoped to achieve this within twelve hours.
The team were staying over at The Netherwood Hotel on Friday 7th, so they were as local as possible to the start of the walk. The staff at the hotel were also the guides for the walk, and they did a great deal for them so all the money can go to the charity and the company are paying for the expenses.
If anyone would like to donate to Bentley’s collection pot go to:
The staff and the champions are so grateful for all the support Nikki and the team at Bentley’s have given us.