Dear Sir,
We see again further facts coming out regarding Joy Allen and her handling of the Durham Constabulary. I think the headline will not surprise anyone.
When Joy won the job, the first person she employed was her very close friend, the first time ever, as Assistant PCC and then others, it shows now twelve people working in her office and three vacancies.
She purchased a van to promote herself, at a cost of £50,000, and spent £100,000 refurbishing her office, this, of course, is our money she used.
She claims that crime and ASB has gone down, but this is not true, it has in fact risen and the reason this has occurred is that people no longer trust her and the police response, that they no longer report such crimes as they feel nothing is done about it.
If we look at our town, our police station was closed and the land sold, where the money went from the sale she does not know and we are still waiting for it to be replaced.
In July last year, after pressure from the town council and the residents, a meeting was held at the council offices with Joy Allen, Assistant Chief Constable and someone from the finance side. I, along with others, attended this meeting. Joy did not seem able to answer the questions and many where passed to the people accompanying her, all with negative answers.
The problem with a new police station was to find the right premises or land in the centre of town. One thing that was mentioned by the ACC was the white elephant, the new processing and holding centre being built up the road at Spennymoor and how it would help us, but when asked if we would end up being policed from there, no answer was given.
When joy was asked by a reporter, at the end of the meeting if she would apologise for the letting the people down, no answer was forthcoming.
Since the meeting, and various Mickey Mouse surveys, one where just under 200 of the population of the town replied, we are no longer any further forward. We must not blame the police officers in the area as they are passed from pillar to post regarding locations to work from and do their best as Joy has let them down just as she has let us down.
No signs of a new permanent police station, just excuses, a new building hub stood empty at Spennymoor and no money in the coffers and a rise of 5.5% for the police – it will not be long before we vote for a new PCC.
At the moment, with Joy having the large staff in the office (previously there was only five), it seems she can’t handle the job and it seems many people, like ourselves in Newton Aycliffe, have no confidence in her. To go forward, it is now time for change and we can do this shortly when the next election comes, please do think and vote wisely.
John Armstrong, Newton Aycliffe.
Not Fit For Purpose