Dear Manager,
On the 24th of July myself, grandson and great grandchildren visited the swimming pool. We had occasion to use the toilet facilities both ladies and gents and were absolutely disgusted at the filthy state in which we found them.
I felt that the condition would contravene any and all appropriate health and safety regulations and I am seriously considering reporting the premises to the appropriate body.
This disgraceful condition cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged and my family will not be using the pool again until we are satisfied this matter is resolved.
Please be aware that a copy of this email is being sent to the Newton News.
A. Humble (Mrs)
97 Bewick Crescent
Editor: Ironically the authority this correspondent complains to, Durham County Council, is the same one responsible for the Leisure Centre toilets. We print the reply from the Manager, below:
“We would like to apologise to the writer of the letter and her family. We pride ourselves on offering a high level of customer service but are sorry that on this occasion the family was disappointed. We have spoken to the family and will be carrying out a full investigation so that we can address all of the issues they have raised.”
Lesley Tindale, Manager, Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre.