It’s over fifty years since Newton Aycliffe Football Club’s inception in 1965 and, following a number of promotions in recent years, the club has reached their highest position in Non-League football status. The Northern Premier League – East Division.
Chairman, Allan Oliver, continues to drive the club forward with an unwavering passion towards even higher leagues. Club Manager Brian Atkinson and his coaching staff are rapidly coming to terms with life in the Premier League. Results in November have seen the club climb the table, whilst displaying some real quality, attractive football.
Life in this league has seen increased challenges, both on and off the field. The Management Team are working hard to support the football team with the finance required to support their ambitions for continuing success. Support comes in many forms and the club are currently chasing several opportunities, striving to improve both the playing squad and the ground facilities.
A close working relationship with our Ward Councillor, Jim Atkinson, has resulted in local funding to provide significant ground improvements. A more efficient entrance turnstile, improved wash room facilities, plus new quality equipment for the Food Cabin. In addition, we now have a ‘Can Bar’ in the stadium. These improvements are aimed at delivering top quality match day experiences for the fans. In the pipeline is a project to deliver a new 50-seater family stand, to be in place early next year.
The club would welcome more support from the local community, in the shape of increased match day spectators. A warm welcome awaits all those who attend our home games and you won’t be disappointed with the improved facilities and particularly the impressive standard of football from our team.
We would also welcome financial support from companies or organisations across Newton Aycliffe and the surrounding area. We have streamlined our sponsorship package for the rest of the season. Please join us, and be part of the ambition for continued success, by requesting a copy of the sponsorship package.
Please email: for all enquiries or pledges of support.
Support Your Local Football Team, Newton Aycliffe FC.