Dear Sir,
The result from the Christmas sale was £305 which will be split into hampers for local people.
There will be two more sales next year, thanks to the Scout Hut management.
On a lighter note, during the event we had such a mix of visitors, from babies to the older group. I was talking to one young lad, around 8 years of age, as he was just looking at what toys we had, I asked him the question “what’s Santa going to bring you this year?”
His response astounded me, in an age of gimme gimme and kids with gifts costing £100s, the young lad replied “I don’t need anything, I have all I need. Can I have some toys to put in Tesco’s, for children who won’t get anything?”
His mother said he’s always been the same, always happy to try and help others, he even gives his own toys away to kids at his school.
There are so many out there who could learn from this young lad.
Tom Carroll