Dear friends, neighbours and residents,
I told you previously that I had asked for a pedestrian crossing on Central Avenue between Vane Road and Washington Crescent. I tried to get the support of Aycliffe East County Councillors and Jim Atkinson did contact David Battersby at Durham County Council but another Cllr was more concerned about a crossing taking away the lollipop lady.
I argued that DCC should make it safer for the school crossing patrol with a pedestrian crossing. Their next objection was that it would slow buses down and delay traffic.
As buses are only every 30 minutes, and are gone within 5 minutes, I disagreed. Also, traffic is already delayed for 15 minutes twice a day for school runs.
Next, they did a survey to see if there were enough cars and pedestrians. The previous one had been during covid when people were working from home and schools were closed, so was far too low.
I was then wrongly told, a year ago, that the survey showed a high volume of traffic and pedestrians (they now say there is not?) DCC has said road widening and a traffic island is possible but expensive and would take longer planning time.
With 1000 students at Woodham Academy and 400 at Vane Road and at least 30 at St Oswald’s pre-school, I don’t see how this can be so! Not to mention our many OAP bungalows, disabled residents in wheelchairs, a special needs care home and access to St Oswald’s Park.
I was astounded when a pedestrian crossing was put on the Business Park in front of Gestamp, where almost zero children, elderly or disabled cross and 90% of workers drive and do not walk to work!
Where is the logic in this? We are getting 2,500 new houses built at Copelaw, behind the Gretna Pub, which will increase population from 27,000 to 33,000 (if 3 people per house). The A167 junction will be rebuilt and widened to allow for this. And yet I was told £80,000 for traffic lights is too much for Central Avenue. We have traffic lights at the Fire Station and Courts with probably 10% the demand of the two schools. I was even told a Zebra crossing is less safe than no crossing!
The crossing patrol person does a great job, with some drivers speeding up to 45mph in a 30mph zone which becomes 20mph at school run times. However, the crossing patrol is not there during summer holidays, Easter, Xmas, evenings and weekends. We deserve better, and I encourage you to contact:
or to the manager:
….to voice your opinion and concerns.
Whilst the cycle path from School Aycliffe to Central Avenue is nice for cyclists, I have seen very little use of it and I don’t recall being asked at Town Council, by DCC or Central Government Highways, if we had more important priorities.
The money would have been better spent on pedestrian crossings and/or more parking lay-bys across the town. How many crossings do you see on Greenfield Way, Burnhill Way, etc?
Finally, thank you to parents parking at Tesco, The Youth & Community Centre and St. Oswald’s Park to reduce Woodham Academy congestion and increase safety. Residents using Felton Close (if not disabled or elderly) also prevents traffic delays.
It is more healthy for teenagers to walk 5-10 minutes until the school’s new drop off point is built. I commend the construction traffic control member for keeping speeds down of lorries and a minority of dangerous drivers.
Thank you.
Cllr Tony Armstrong BA Hons HND PGCE