Wilfred Neal and Annette Huitson quietly celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary at home on 8th August.
Wilfred, also known as Neal, was originally from Hunwick while Annette came from South Church and the couple met at the Methodist Church Youth Club in Newton Aycliffe during the late 1950’s.
The couple were married at Eden Arms, Rushyford, followed by a trip to the Edinburgh Tattoo for their honeymoon. They have two daughters and three granddaughters.
Neal worked for Lloyds Bank in Durham and Annette was employed by Stevens Post Office in Newton Aycliffe. The couple are currently the owners of a Classic Wedding car hire business operating from Aycliffe Business Park.
The couple enjoy cruising and recently took in a world cruise. The Huitson’s agree that a tip for a long happy marriage is ‘compromise’.