The Bishop Auckland Fundraising Group of Marie Curie celebrated its 5th birthday by pledging to raise £100,000 by the end of the financial year on 31st March 2019.
This successful group – with the help and generosity of the people of South West Durham – has raised £96,700 in the few years it has been in existence. Supermarket Collections, Blooming Great Tea Parties, Curry Nights courtesy of The Spice Lounge and other events too numerous to mention have all contributed to this amazing total.
The group hope that the annual Daffodil Appeal, which begins shortly, will prove the catalyst to ensure they reach their goal. Anyone wishing to help with collections or contribute ideas for future fundraising events will be most welcome to attend the monthly meetings which take place in the Community Fire Station on Watling Road on the first Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm
For further details contact Elizabeth Varley 01388 606075.
5th Birthday Pledge