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Barbara Gubbins, Chief Executive of County Durham Community Foundation celebrates reaching the £22million milestone with mother  Bridget Craven holding Cameron Craven and Maggie Hart of ECCDS  with Lucy Peart

County Durham Community Foundation is celebrating granting £22 million worth of wishes since it began in 1995.

The Education Centre for Children with Downs Syndrome (ECCDS) were the fortunate recipients of the grant that took the Community Foundation’s grant making to the £22 million milestone having been awarded £5,000 for their ‘Moving On’ project. The project is aimed at supporting the education and development of children with Downs Syndrome. The parents also acquire essential skills helping them to meet the future with confidence.

ECCDS, based in Newton Aycliffe, runs regular weekday classes and other educational activities specifically designed for children with Downs Syndrome. Regular sessions include speech and language skills, numeracy development and fine and gross motor skills for the 60 children who attend the centre.

County Durham Community Foundation’s Chief Executive, Barbara Gubbins attended the ECCDS’s Annual Celebration Evening which also gave her the opportunity to celebrate the £22 million milestone. The Education Centre has held an annual event to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day since it was formed in 2005, the purpose of the evening being to bring together all the children and families involved in the centre with the Trustees, staff and volunteers.

Maggie Hart, Head of Education and Training was delighted to say:

“The grant will dramatically help us as the charity is growing all of the time. We will be able to increase the number of group leaders that we have and develop a life skills group for older children. The Community Foundation has been extremely helpful.”

Since County Durham Community Foundation was established in 1995 it has handed out over £22 million worth of grants to individuals and organisations.

2,965 grants awarded to individuals

6,428 grants awarded to organisations

9,393 grants awarded in total

County Durham Community Foundation manages over 150 funds which are all bespoke. The money is distributed on behalf of individuals and companies in County Durham, each with their own grant criteria.

The grants have supported a wide range of applicants over the past 18 years and will continue to in the future. After recently employing four new members of staff it seems that even in these austere times the Community Foundation is still thriving.

There is always a need for donors in County Durham. If you would like to support local individuals and organisations please visit or call 0191 3786340