Honest John’s Aycliffe Community Kitty is offering 4 x £1000 Christmas gifts to any completely volunteer run Newton Aycliffe clubs, organisations and groups etc. The organisation must have a bank account in the groups name to be eligible. Applications are invited, please apply in writing explaining who you are and what the money would be used for. The lucky four will be notified on Christmas between 6-8pm). This Christmas gift offer is thanks to the generosity of donations from people our community. A total of £140,000 has been generated over the last nine years, which is fantastic, thank you all. Please send your letters to: Honest John’s Aycliffe Community Kitty (aka The Great North Hair Abundance) 4 Arrowsmith Square Newton Aycliffe, Co. Durham DL5 5RB or you can pop it into the shop between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday. Closing date for applications is 20th December 2016. Honest John’s shop is situated on Aycliffe Business Park near the Blue Bridge alongside Newton Press in the DISC building. We are based in a large saleroom which is also shared by MoreTime UK Second Hand Furniture Scheme, a separate business from John’s area, which is at one of the room under the hanging “Honest John” sign.
£4000 Community Christmas Gifts