I am sure that most residents from Heighington are aware that the Planning Application to build 75 houses in a field off Walworth Road was approved last Wednesday.
I wish to thank Judith King, Jackie Jones and Rob Haywood who all spoke with passion against the application and it was good to see that they were supported by Trevor King and Ann Holmes. The three speakers set out their objections clearly and methodically outlining traffic, flooding, sewage, parking, unsafe access and the problems associated with the school, but their comments fell on deaf ears.
Although the 33 page report that came to the committee was discussed in detail taking a good two hours before the decision was made I know that most Heighington people felt that the decision to approve would be inevitable and so it proved. The meeting was acrimonious at times, but as I explained to those people who attended planning committee meetings do get that way from time to time.
Those of you who read an email I sent a few weeks ago will remember that I explained that those sites that have already been identified to build houses to satisfy the 5 year Housing assessment have little or no chance of being refused and this proved to be the case in this instance. The planning Officer reminded the committee that Walworth Road is part of the 5 year plan and should it be refused the Developer would appeal against the decision and because we could not prove our 5 year assessment because Walworth Road had been refused it was felt that the Planning Inspector would overturn the Planning committee’s decision and grant planning permission.
Section 106 money has been agreed for the following:-
£78,900 – improvements to cycle ways, footways and the public footpath
£6,762 to make improvements to the playing fields
£229,125 towards education in the village
£15,000 towards a potential scheme to create additional parking spaces in Hopelands (this is my request)
So whilst the Walworth Panning application was approved we did get the following concessions:-
• The sewage pump to be moved as far away from Rob’s house as possible
• A ‘gate’ will be installed to slow traffic as you approach the site entry from the Dog Inn
• £15,000 to build some parking bays in Hopelands. This follows my approach to DBC and the need to improve off road parking on the estate. The parking bays will also give parents a few more places to park at 8.45am and 3pm
• Developers to identify what they have included in their housing site plans following comments from residents during consultation. I have been asking for this for some time in Council Meetings and as I have not had any success I thought I would push the point at the Walworth Road Planning application hearing. Despite having to have a few cross words from and to the Chair of the Committee our Planning Officer did accept my argument that Developers should report back on what was suggested at residents consultation meetings and more important confirm what they have included from the meeting in their housing layout so residents are made aware of whether the Developer has listened.
Heighington Parish is to be increased in size by another 222 houses – 104 in the Oaklands, School Aycliffe, 43 in Station Road and now 75 off Walworth Road – overall an increase in the numbers of houses by approx. 22%
Despite these increases Heighington Parish will still be a lovely place to live. Redworth will be unaffected. The Chestnuts residents may be concerned over the possibility of traffic volumes and flooding/sewage issues from the Oaklands development and Heighington residents may be concerned, but looking forward we still will be living in one of the most beautiful villages in the north of England.
Heighington was voted Britain’s Most Perfect Village in 2007 and the addition of houses will not alter this. The countryside surrounding the Parish is as glorious as ever and our village greens will stay as attractive as it has for centuries. Yes we will have to deal with the extra traffic and our school will experience growth problems and yes the safety issues around the school gates will give us some headaches but village people in the past have tended not to sit back without helping to sort out our own problems and I am sure that this attitude will continue.
I appreciate that there are people who are really upset about the decision to build new houses in the Parish and its potential to effect that sense of community that we all enjoy but ‘community’ is people driven so it is up to us all to ensure we continue to come together so that the parish of Heighington remains a wonderful place to live.
So, continue to take pleasure in living in this beautiful parish of ours and let’s make sure that together we keep it that way.
Cllr Gerald Lee