Dear Sir,
I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, may 2025 be a good year for everyone in particular to the many amazing charities and volunteers we have operating on the town. Whether you are running, or supporting a cause, it is your efforts that make our town the place it is. From Lifeline to Little Sendsations, Junction 7 to Community Spirit, 5 Acres to Sisters of Support or groups like Rotary, Aycliffe Bus Preservation or the Scout Groups or indeed the very many others I could mention, you all deserve to have the very best 2025. Similarly, the many local businesses we have providing employment for us and particularly those supporting our volunteers deserve both our support and good wishes to thrive in what looks like a very challenging time for them. From the biggest to the smallest, I wish them all well.
2025 will also be an election year for Durham County Council Members and I for one will be putting my name forward for consideration. My time representing you previously as a County Councillor and then your MP were a huge privilege and I would like to serve again, it is imperative that the people and businesses of Aycliffe get strong representation within Durham County Council and I would love to help achieve that.
Paul Howell
Former MP for Sedgefield.
2025 Elections