St. Mary’s Year 2 students have being learning about the Great Fire of London and fire safety. We have worked as a community with our local fire station and Tesco. Ken the baker from Tesco was also fantastic as he allowed us all on a trip to explore how bread was made and see the main safety procedures.
On Friday 6th October we invited parents, fire fighters and the Ken to enjoy our day, taking a day back to the year 1666. We turned our classroom into Pudding Lane. Bakers as we baked different breads, rock buns, biscuits, tea cakes and scones. Tesco donated some or their baked good to help with our spectacular day. We all had an amazing time and raised £201 towards year 2 trips and educational activities. Our children thrived from this topic and lived the lives back in the year 1666.
1666 Great Fire of London Lesson