The 201 Field Hospital, 5th Battalion Royal Fusiliers and 102 Battalion will be holding a recruitment event on Saturday 19th October at Greenwell Road, Newton Aycliffe. The TA unit is reaching out to prospective new recruits as the event will showcase the employment opportunities with the Territorial Army.
Reservists and local communities are backing the nationwide recruitment campaign by putting on over 100 events up and down the country throughout Autumn to demonstrate to the public what the TA is all about. The events are part of a wider recruitment campaign which aims to encourage new recruits into the TA.
Chefs, drivers, medics, infantrymen, engineers, signallers and many more will come together to showcase the 220 roles available. Members of the public will be able to speak to the soldiers and see the latest kit and equipment used by the British Army including armoured vehicles and a range of weapons.
Joining the TA as a Reservist is the ideal option for those who want to combine the opportunities of a role in the Army with their everyday civilian life. It offers the chance to travel to new places and make new friends and learn new skills.
The training the Army offers equips Reservists with new competences and strengths that can be transferred back into civilian jobs. Reservist soldiers and officers are trained ready to serve and capable of deployment alongside their regular counterparts.
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is revitalising the TA and making some significant changes to dramatically improve the offer for those who choose to join. Under the plans the TA will become the Army Reserve.
The MOD will be investing an additional £1.8 billion in high quality training, increasing pay through a paid annual leave entitlement, providing more modern equipment, and giving the TA better access to welfare support and health services.
Reservists typically meet for training one night per week with their units, train at weekends and attend an annual two week training exercise either in the UK or abroad. The minimum commitment is 27 days training per annum, though it is 19 days for some specialist units. From 2015 onwards, the commitment will rise to 40 days per annum.
Brigadier Andrew Jackson, the Director of Army Recruiting and Training said: “These events are intended to show people from Newton Aycliffe that, no matter what your skills or background, the Army has something to offer you and serving with the TA provides opportunities to learn much more beyond military skills. It will develop you and show you the strengths you didn’t know you had.
“Serving as a professional with the TA is the ideal opportunity for promising individuals to do something extra with their time and benefit from a rewarding experience outside of normal working hours, and the Army prides itself on providing world-class training and development opportunities to enable them to do so.
No matter what your skill, there’s a role for you in the Army whether it’s as a doctor, dentist, nurse, vet, lawyer, or chaplain. A career in the Army allows you to both develop your expertise and enhance your professional career.”
For more information about the exciting career opportunities available in the Territorial Army, search “Join the TA” or call 0845 600 8080.
102 Batallion (TA) Aycliffe Meets Potential Recruits