On the 8th February 2014, Aycliffe Dance Academy entered some of their students for Dance and Musical Theatre exams with the IDTA (International Dance Teachers Association). Once again they had a 100% pass rate with many students receiving incredible results and feedback. An impressive 38% of students passed with Merit receiving between 78-84/100 and 62% of students passed with Distinction receiving over 85/100. Many students even received 86, 87, 88 and 89 with one of the Musical Theatre groups receiving 90/100!
Emma Cox, the Dance Principal, said: ‘A massive well done to everyone who took their dance exams at ADA this year! Words cannot express how proud I am of you all! You all do me proud every single day but to be examined by Mrs Skinner (one of the Theatre Craft and Musical Theatre faculty members who helped create the exam syllabus) and receive such amazing results is such an achievement. Well done guys!’
Students at ADA are now working extremely hard on their next dance show taking place at The Xcel Centre on the 11th and 12th of July this year. Fundraising events will be taking place over the next few months to raise money for the student’s costumes such as a Family Fun Day on Saturday 26th April (11am to 3pm) at The Bethany Centre in Woodham. Everyone is welcome to come along to this family friendly event with free entry! Any local businesses or individuals interested in donating tombola or raffle prizes for the show are asked to call Emma on 07908 162 868.